Newsroom at Bozeman Lodge in Bozeman, Montana

Bozeman Lodge Newsroom

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Covid-19 Weekly Update 1.13.21


We are pleased to announce that our first Vaccination Clinic is scheduled for Tuesday, January 26th. The vaccine, a two-part series, will be made available to all residents and staff on that date. We are excited to be able to offer this opportunity and are encouraging each staff member and resident to participate.
Routine testing for all employees continues and weekly testing for all residents resumed following the report of a positive resident last week.  Resident test results were expedited at our request, and reveal that a second positive resident has been identified.  
With this additional positive case, the directive from the county health department includes:
Closure of the dining room until further notice
Suspension of all small group activities
Restrictions on entry to the main building to staff and essential health care personnel only

We will continue to offer closed window visits and virtual visits. 
This news is hard for the many residents and staff that have worked so hard to not allow Covid-19 in our community. The Vaccination Clinic is a glimmer of hope for a safer and more open community. We hope our residents and staff who have fears or hesitancy regarding the vaccine to ask us for more information or talk to your primary care physician. We’re here to help.

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