Newsroom at Bozeman Lodge in Bozeman, Montana

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iN2L system in use at Bozeman Lodge in Bozeman, Montana

Bozeman Lodge Invests in Social Technology Engagement Program


Having experienced outstanding results with the iN2L program, Bozeman is expanding the iN2L’s reach by adding a mobile iN2L unit in addition to their stationary 60" unit. The system gives residents the power to engage in family connection via social media, provides content for cognitive stimulation and features a variety of health and wellness activity programs. 

The iN2L (It’s Never 2 Late) is a content-rich user-friendly interface, featuring over 4000 pieces of content from music to movies to games and exercise routines. Activities include using email and web cams to connect with family and friends and other mind-stimulating activities.  With the addition of peripherals seniors can imagine they are riding a bike through another country or flying an airplane using a flight simulator.

The system is a picture-based, touch-screen interface that allows users to simply “touch” their way to engaging, educational, spiritual and personalized content that is appropriate for any level of ability.   Seniors who have never used a computer before have excelled in learning to use the iN2L system.  

About iN2L: IN2L is dedicated to making technology and the Internet accessible and enjoyable for older adults – regardless of physical or cognitive limitations.  A proprietary combination of adaptive hardware, software and content delivers a person-centered experience that engages, empowers and inspires.  IN2L is currently used in over 2500 communities across the US, Canada, Australia and Ireland.  The company is located in Centennial, Colorado.  For more information visit

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